The importance of industry-specific Softwares
Customized solutions for process efficiency
31 August, 2023 by
The importance of industry-specific Softwares
Ida Müller

Today's business world is more diverse than ever. Different industries have different needs, processes, and challenges that need to be addressed. This is where industry specific software solutions come into play. These specialized software solutions are tailored to the specific needs of each industry and play a critical role in streamlining workflow, data management, and communication. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at industry-specific softwares, how it differs from standard and custom software, and why it's so important to businesses. Below is a brief overview of the topics:

1. What are industry-specific softwares?
2. Differences between industry-specific software and standard software
3. Differences between industry-specific software and custom software
4. Why is it important to have industry-specific softwares?
5. Conclusion
6. The OBS Industry Solutions

What are industry-specific softwares?

Industry-specific software is a type of software that is specifically designed to meet the needs of a particular industry or business. These software solutions are designed to support the specific operations and needs of an industry, whether it is real estate, pharmaceuticals, HR, agencies, or many others. Industry software typically offers more than traditional ERP systems, integrating functions for comprehensive customer management, financial controlling, document management, and much more.

Differences between 
industry-specific software and standard software

Standard software refers to software products that can be used in a variety of areas. They offer a range of functions that are designed to be as general and industry-independent as possible. This software often has basic features and does not take into account the specific requirements of individual industries. Although industry-specific software usually requires higher financial investment than standard software, it is still less expensive than custom software..

Differences between 
industry-specific software and custom software

Custom software refers to individual software solutions that are exclusively tailored to the needs of one or more companies. This type of software requires a great deal of time and money. The high effort is due to the fact that the software has to be developed from scratch, taking into account all the specific requirements and processes of the company. This can include integration into existing system landscapes, development of special functions, and adaptation to individual workflows. To this end, custom software is able to map business processes in an optimal way. It allows processes to be customized down to the smallest detail, so that they fit perfectly into a company's workflows.

Why is it important to have 
industry-specific softwares?

The importance and benefits of industry-specific software extend to various aspects of business operations. Industry-specific software is important for the following reasons, among others:

1. Adaptation to industry-specific requirements

Every industry has its own specific needs and workflows. Generic software solutions often cannot adequately address these needs. Industry-specific software offers custom functionality that is tailored to the needs of the industry. In addition, it contains valuable industry-specific knowledge and experience that benefit the company. In this way, the customer not only acquires the software, but also the relevant industry know-how. This enables companies to make their processes more efficient and effective. 

2. Process optimization

By implementing industry-specific software, companies can optimize their operations. These software solutions are designed to streamline processes by adapting to the individual needs and specifics of each industry. This allows for more targeted control of processes, which not only eliminates redundant steps, but also allows for a sharper focus on core business objectives and increases overall efficiency. The result is time and cost savings and increased productivity.

3. Faster implementation and adaptation

Because industry software is already tailored to the core requirements and processes of an industry, it does not have to be developed from scratch for an individual company. This makes it not only quickly available, but also quickly implementable. 
If customization is required, it is done on an already optimized basis. This significantly reduces the development and customization effort. Compared to custom software, which often has to be developed from scratch, customization of industry software is faster and more efficient.

4. Cost-effectiveness compared to custom and standard software

Although industry software is often more expensive to purchase than standard software, it provides better value in the long run. Unlike standard software, which often requires additional customization and enhancements to meet industry-specific requirements, industry software is already optimized. This minimizes follow-up costs for customization and enhancements.

Custom software has high development costs and long implementation times, whereas industry software is much more cost-effective. Rapid implementation and built-in industry expertise result in a quick return on investment. As a result, companies can significantly reduce their operating costs without sacrificing functionality and customizability.


Standard software is generic and versatile, but offers limited processing capabilities, while custom software offers a high degree of customization, but at a high cost. Industry software addresses specific industry needs and plays a critical role in today's business landscape. It provides customized solutions to meet the complex needs of different industries. From process optimization to improved collaboration, industry software offers a wide range of benefits that help companies become more efficient and competitive. Investing in quality industry software can prove to be a wise strategic decision in the long run, and can have a significant impact on a company's success.

The OBS Industry Solutions

With its OBS Houses, the OBS Group combines a wide range of solutions that have been developed with the needs of the respective industry in mind and are therefore optimally tailored to the different requirements of this industry.

Click on our logos to learn more about our industry solutions:

Real estate industrySMARTBRIX

Pharmacy industryGinkgo Pharmasoft

Agency sectorPrime Hive

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The importance of industry-specific Softwares
Ida Müller 31 August, 2023
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